22 Januari 2025

Jambi Daily

Media Online Publik Aksara Propinsi Jambi

Corona in Indonesia, May 27: Positive Cases 23,851, Healed 6,057, Dead 1,473

Ilustrasi Corona (Edi Wahyono/detikcom)

JAMBIDAILY JAKARTA – The number of positive cases of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) is still increasing day by day. In addition, the cure and death rates are still increasing.

The addition of positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia can be seen on the website covid19.go.id and submitted directly by the government spokesman related to handling COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto. Until Wednesday (5/27/2020), there were 23,851 positive cases.

Details, 6,057 patients recovered and 1,473 people died. This data is updated daily with cut off data at 12.00 WIB.

On the previous day, there were 23,165 positive cases of Corona in Indonesia, 5,877 people recovered, and 1,418 died.

Source: detik.com



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