21 Januari 2025

Jambi Daily

Media Online Publik Aksara Propinsi Jambi

Corona Update on Indonesia June 18: 42,762 Positive, 16,798 Healed, 2,339 Dead

Spraying disinfectants to prevent Corona transmission on the market. (Photo: Ari Saputra)

JAMBIDAILY JAKARTA – The number of cases of the Corona COVID-19 virus in Indonesia continues to increase. Until Thursday (6/18/2020), the accumulation of positive cases had reached 42,762 people.
Meanwhile, the number of patients who were declared cured had reached 16,798 and those who died had become 2,339.

The following details the development of the Corona virus case in Indonesia on Thursday (6/18/2020):

1. The number of positive cases increased by 1,331 to 42,762
2. The number of patients recovering increased by 555 to 16,798.
3. The number of patients dying increased by 63 to 2,339.

The data is the accumulation recorded until 12.00 WIB today.

Earlier on Wednesday (6/17/2020), the cumulative number of positive cases was 41,431 with 16,243 of whom recovered and 2,276 died. (detik.com)




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