15 Januari 2025

Jambi Daily

Media Online Publik Aksara Propinsi Jambi

PetroChina Jabung Tightening Health Protocols for All Workers Amid Covid-19 Pandemic

5 min read

JAMBIDAILY – PetroChina International Jabung Ltd., a Jabung Block operator under the supervision of SKK Migas, tightened the health protocol for field workers on duty during the Covid-19 pandemic.

All workers from outside Jambi Indonesia and from the red zone in the city of Jambi must undergo two rapid tests and quarantine for 10 days in facilities provided by the company before being assigned to the Jabung field. They are also required to submit epidemiological reports that show their travel history. Subcontractor workers who work for Jabung Block also undergo a rapid test before working. New workers are allowed to go to the field if they get two non-reactive results during a rapid test.

Not only using rapid test results, PetroChina’s medical team also thoroughly inspects the physical condition of workers. Rigorous health checks enable companies to detect potential transmission of Covid 19.

The management of PetroChina Jabung on Sunday, July 19, 2020, confirmed that four workers who worked at the Betara Gas Plant in Tanjung Jabung Barat District (TJB), tested positive for Covid-19. “Of the four workers, one is PetroChina Jabung and three are PT Ceria Utama Abadi’s subcontractor workers,” PetroChina Vice President of Human Resources & Relations, Dencio Renato Boele, said.

Based on PCR test results, the Covid-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Tanjung Jabung Barat District on July 18 announced four patients, namely RD (41 years), AF (35 years), JH (44 years) and ARS (47 years) working for PetroChina in Betara District, TJB.

“The four workers underwent a PCR test on July 13, 2020. Currently, all four workers are in good condition and have received medical treatment. Until now, PetroChina continues to carry out contact tracing with the local Covid19 Handling Acceleration Task Force as an effort to prevent Covid-19 transmission, “said Dencio.

“With the latest developments in the field, we emphasize that PetroChina will continue to improve the discipline of implementing the Covid-19 prevention protocol,” he continued.

In addition to requiring a thorough check for field workers who will serve both Betara Camp and Geragai Camp, PetroChina routinely disinfects all work areas. “We also require workers to wear masks when interacting with others, avoiding crowds and washing hands as often as possible,” said Dencio.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, PetroChina Jabung has reduced meeting activities, eliminated activities that involve many people, and changed the banquet model from a buffet to rice boxes.

Data released by the government on July 18, 2020 mentioned more than 84,000 positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia, including 132 cases in Jambi Province. Until now, the spread of Covid-19 was found in many public spaces involving many people, including markets, places of education and settlement.

Through the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19 and other partners, PetroChina has distributed Covid-19 prevention assistance to medical workers and communities in Jakarta and Jambi. This assistance includes PPE, medical masks, food packages and hand washing facilities in public places. PetroChina also supports the disinfection program for people who live around the PetroChina operational area.

“PetroChina coordinates with the Covid-19 Task Force at the Jambi provincial level as well as at the city and district level to ensure the implementation of Covid-19 prevention procedures around the work area,” explained Dencio. He added, until now, the upstream oil and gas activities in the Jabung Block run smoothly with the number of production that is on target.

Meanwhile, South Sumatra (Sumbagsel) SKK Migas Chief Representative Adiyanto Agus Handoyo said, along with government policies during the pandemic, his party had issued a number of policies related to Covid-19 control. “We continue to remind all KKKS Migas to put forward stringent health protocols in continuing production activities and achieving targets set by the government,” said Adiyanto.

He added, “This is done to guarantee safe operations, both for oil and gas workers and the community around the operational area. The continuation of PetroChina Jabung operations plays a major role in contributing regional income to the District of Tanjung Jabung Barat and Jambi Province. For that reason, we request the support of all the people of Jambi in order to continue to secure the national energy supply. ”

In accordance with the direction of SKK Migas Deputy for Operations Julius Wiratno, all KKKS are required to conduct screening and monitoring to prevent Covid-19 transmission in the oil and gas working area. This includes reporting on epidemiology, independent quarantine before work and examination of antibody rapid tests.

Through Minister of Health Regulation No. 9/2020 concerning Guidelines for Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in the framework of Accelerating Handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), the oil and gas subsector is determined as a strategic sector in meeting the needs of the community. Therefore, business entities that provide general services for the availability and distribution of fuel, LPG, and for oil and gas export and import activities are permitted to continue operating in a pandemic condition.

SKK Migas Head Dwi Soetjipto has also sent letters to regional heads to ensure access to upstream oil and gas activities as a national vital object in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Responding to the letter, Jambi Governor Fachrori Umar supported the continuation of oil and gas business activities during the Covid-19 emergency response situation and requested related parties to provide the same support.

PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. KKKS is a Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) and operator of the Jabung Block under the supervision and control of SKK Migas. In managing the Jabung Block, PetroChina partnered with Pertamina and Petronas Carigali. Aside from being a Jabung Block operator, PetroChina is also a Bangko Block operator in Jambi.



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