Traders in the Jambi Governor’s Office Area, Rapid Test Covid-19
JAMBIDAILY – Sunday (7/19/2020) until 11.00 WIB, the Task Force for the Covid-19 Handling of the Jambi Province of Indonesia, conducted a mass rapid test on traders at the Car Free Day (CFD) location, Jambi Governor’s Office Area.
“Our target is 400 people. This is the effort and commitment of the task force in tracing as well as antipathy to the emergence of new clusters by loosening some activities, “said the spokesperson for the Task Force for the Covid-19 Handling of Jambi Province who is also the Head of the Jambi Provincial Public Relations and Protocol Secretariat, Johansyah, SE, ME
Johansyah explained, a rapid test was prepared for 400 traders and the public at the car free day event.
“The target of the regency and city is 5,000 people, on average about 350 people per district / city. Use of funds from phase III refocusing. If anyone is reactive, immediately test the swab, send it to the PCR Balai POM, and be isolated independently at the Independent Isolation House in the Health Training Center (Bapelkes) of Jambi Province in Pijoan. We prepare ambulances, health workers and security, “explained Johansyah.
Johansyah added, tentative (temporary) schedule for mass rapid tests in regencies and cities throughout Jambi Province: 1. Bungo and Tebo Regencies, 19-21 July 2020, 2. Sarolangun and Merangin Regencies, 26-28 July 2020, 3. Regencies Kerinci on July 20-22 2020, 4. Batang Regency July 23, 2020, 5. Muaro Jambi Regency on July 20,21,22,23 July 2020 and 6. Kota Sungai Penuh on July 23,24,25 July 2020. (Mustar / Public Relations Jambi Provincial Government).
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