13 Januari 2025

Jambi Daily

Media Online Publik Aksara Propinsi Jambi

Fachrori JPS Covid-19 Helps the Community’s Economy

4 min read

JAMBIDAILY – Jambi Governor and Chair of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Coordination Handling of the 19th Province of Jambi-Indonesia, Dr.Drs.H.Fachrori Umar, M.Hum said, through the assistance of the Social Safety Net (JPS), the Jambi Provincial Government continues to work to move the community economy in the middle the Covid-19 pandemic which is still sweeping the world today, especially the Jambi Province. This was conveyed by Fachrori in the Phase II Submission of Jambi Province Jvid Covid-19 to the Muaro Jambi District Community, which took place at the Marga Mulya Village Office Sungai Bahar District, Muaro Jambi Regency, Wednesday (07/22).

“We continue to revive the economy of the community in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, one of which is through the assistance of JPS Covid-19 Jambi Province for households that are strongly affected by Covid-19 in all districts / cities in Jambi Province,” said Fachrori.

“This JPS assistance is the second phase of assistance, previously the Jambi Provincial Government has distributed the first phase of the JPS Covid-19 assistance. JPS assistance from the Provincial Government of Jambi is intended for households that are strongly affected by Covid-19 and provided for May, June and July, “added Fachrori.

Fachrori explained that the Provincial Government of Jambi provided JPS Covid-19 assistance in the form of staple food worth IDR 350,000 (three hundred and fifty thousand rupiah) consisting of 7 types and cash worth IDR 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) rupiah) to the people who were strongly affected by Covid-19 for a period of 3 months, namely May, June and July. JPS Covid-19 also aims to slightly help ease the burden on the Regency / City Government and the Jambi community.

“This assistance is a form of tangible contribution from the Jambi Provincial Government to slightly reduce the burden of the Regency / City Governments in Jambi Province in providing assistance to communities that are strongly affected by Covid-19. We hope that, through the assistance of JPS, this will slightly reduce the difficulties being faced by the community due to Covid-19 and help drive the wheels of the community’s economy, “explained Fachrori.

“I also really hope that this assistance can be immediately distributed to beneficiary households as well as possible quickly and accurately, so that the community can immediately benefit and the wheels of the economy continue to run,” concluded Fachrori.

The Assistant General Administration of the Regional Secretary of Muaro Jambi Regency, Junaidi, SP, ME thanked the Governor of Jambi who directly channeled the second phase of Covid-19 JPS assistance to the highly affected communities of Covid-19 in Muaro Jambi District, because the Muaro Jambi community, especially Marga Mulya Village community was greatly helped by the assistance of JPS Covid-19 from the Jambi Provincial Government.

Junaidi reported, besides the assistance of the Jambi Provincial Government, the Muaro Jambi community also received assistance from the center through the Ministry of Social Affairs, of course this assistance was thanks to encouragement from the Jambi Provincial Government. The Muaro Jambi District Government also provides assistance to communities that are heavily affected by Covid-19 in order to slightly reduce the burden on the community.

After handing over the assistance of JPS Covid-19, the Governor of Jambi took the opportunity to inspect the houses of Marga Mulya villagers affected by the fire, and to provide personal cash assistance.

In addition, Fachrori visited the tourist attractions of Payo Lebar Lake, Tanjung Harapan Village, Sungai Bahar District, Muaro Jambi Regency. The development of these tourist attractions is intended as a place of entertainment for the surrounding community and stimulates the economic rotation in the village of Tanjung Harapan.

Fachrori distributed 11,750 fish seeds to Payo Lebar Lake with details, 3 thousand tilapia, 2 thousand gourami fish, 3 thousand betook fish, and 3,750 Tembakang fish. The Governor of Jambi also personally provided sacrificial animals in the form of 3 cows for 3 villages namely, Berkah Village, Matra Manunggal Village, and Mekar Sari Makmur Village which were directly received by each Village Head.



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