Mursida: Until Today, the Citizens of the Jambi City Market District “Zero Corona”

JAMBIDAILY – Some people think, the market is a very vulnerable location with the spread of Covid-19, the market is a very frightening specter for some residents, this opinion is reasonable, because the market is a place of crowd, and a gathering place for citizens from various parts of the region, to carry out activities Buy and sell.
However, this does not apply to the Citizens of the Jambi City Market in Indonesia, they continue to carry out their usual activities, however, their citizens appear to be obedient and disciplined in implementing the Health Protocol, which has been instructed by the local government.
This is evidenced by the absence of the Jambi Kota Market District Residents who were stated to be Positive Covid-19.
“I am proud of the Market Residents. Until today, the Market District Residents, no one has been declared a positive Corona Virus, Zero Corona.” Said Mursida Market Camat to Jambidaily, Tuesday (07/21/2020)
“This is because, the discipline of citizens in this market, in complying with the Health Protocol that has been instructed by the Government.” Reveal the usual Mursida on Calling Mother.
Indeed, Covid-19 Handling, specifically in the Pasar Kecamatan of Kota Jambi, from the Sub-District side, constantly appealed to its citizens, to continue to comply with the Health Protocol that has been instructed by the Government, and already Thousands of Masks and Hand Sanitizers that have been distributed to its citizens, as efforts to prevent the spread of this Corona Virus.
However, during this New Normal period, said Mursida, there are still many people who do not understand the meaning of the New Normal itself, the community thinks that the New Normal period is a time when the situation has returned to normal one hundred percent, meaning there is no Covid-19 anymore.
“Such a misunderstanding, which we need to explain to the public, is that New Normal has not returned to one hundred percent normal as before.” Mursida explained.
“But rather a situation, where the community is allowed to return to normal activities as usual, but still be disciplined in complying with the Health Protocol that has been instructed by the Government.” He continued.
“For this reason, we continue to appeal and invite the Market District Residents, to always be disciplined in complying with the Health Protocol, for example Washing Hands with Soap with running water.” Appeal.
“And hopefully this Covid-19 outbreak is fleeting.” The lid.
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