19 Januari 2025

Jambi Daily

Media Online Publik Aksara Propinsi Jambi

Apart from Preventing Peat Fires, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, BRG also Strengthened the Community’s Economy

7 min read

JAMBIDAILY – In addition to preventing forest and land fires (Karhutla), the Republic of Indonesia Peat Restoration Agency (BRG) during the Covid-19 pandemic also strengthened the economy through Community Groups (Pokmas) in economic revitalization programs, such as in Pandan Sejahtera Village, Geragai sub-district, Tanjung district East Jabung, Jambi Province-Indonesia.

Ahmad Bestari SH MH, Head of the Jambi Provincial Forestry Service, in his remarks (Thursday, 03/09/2020) at the 2020 FY 2020 Economic Revitalization Package, explained that economic revitalization from BRG was able to provide more benefits to the community.

“In this program we involve 130 community groups for Jambi province with 589 canal blocking units, 586 drilled well units and 64 economic revitalization packages that have been carried out by BRG since 2017, for this year’s package in the form of 14 canal blocking units, 80 drilled well units and received 30 packages, meaning that in total since 2017 there are 604 canal blocking units, 666 drilled wells, ”explained Ahmad Bestari.

“Apart from community groups, we also involve Babinsa and local community service units. Thank you BRG for its efforts to prevent forest and land fires in Jambi province, the benefits are very much felt, especially economic revitalization,” he concluded.

Meanwhile the East Tanjung Jabung Regency Government (Tanjabtim), expressed its appreciation for the economic revitalization program from BRG. “Imbuh Sapril S.IP, Secretary of Tanjabtim.

The Republic of Indonesia Peat Restoration Agency (BRG), a non-structural institution that is under and responsible to the President. BRG was formed on January 6, 2016, through Presidential Regulation No.1 of 2016 concerning the Peat Restoration Agency. BRG works in a specific, systematic, directed, integrated and comprehensive manner to accelerate the recovery and restoration of the hydrological function of peat that has been damaged mainly due to fire and draining.

On this occasion, the Head of the Peatland Restoration Agency, Ir Nazir Foead, on his working visit (Thursday, 03/09/2020) handed over assistance to the Pokmas Porja in the form of a refill drinking water depot worth IDR. 99,925,000; pokmas Jaya Mulya in the form of cattle farms worth IDR. 110 million; and Pokmas Karya Usaha Bersama in the form of Tilapia Cultivation worth IDR. 99,975,000

“Since the beginning of 2020, Mr. President has warned us, plus with the Covid-19 pandemic we must be much more prepared, much more responsive if there is a fire, it must be extinguished quickly, meaning that the action to prevent the fire must be better than before, thank God until August this year. Jambi is much better with Karhutla. For Jambi province, I would like to thank the governor, mr Ahmad (Jambi province forestry) with the support of the regents and mayors for the peatland restoration activities, this activity which was carried out from 2017 to 2020 went very well. We appreciate the provincial government policy that all BRG programs are carried out by the community not through third party contracts, so that the community will feel the benefits directly, “said Nazir Foead, in his remarks.

This is a real implementation of the BRG program, namely the revitalization of the community’s livelihood sources which aims to improve the welfare of the people in and around the peat restoration area. The revitalization program that is being carried out encourages an integrated agricultural system on peatlands where the surjan and paludiculture systems are the main choices.

This program identifies types of plants that are friendly to the peat ecosystem. Likewise, freshwater fisheries and livestock are developed. The development of adaptive agricultural technology on peatlands is a priority in this program. The program also develops supply chain strengthening strategies for local, national and international markets.

BRG includes the 3R program, apart from revitalization, namely Rewetting, which is rewetting with the construction of canal blocking, drilling wells and other efforts to encourage the wetting of peatlands. Meanwhile, revegetation is replanting through seedbed, planting and natural regeneration.

Nazir also revealed that regarding the Covid-19 pandemic which has not ended with an economic situation that must be faced with strong determination and must be prepared with the existing strengths, from the capital to the village, it must be felt. America as the largest country experienced an economic contraction of minus 38 percent, Indonesia felt only 5 percent, let alone 38 percent, it’s hard to imagine.

“The government is trying its best so that the economic contraction can be as small as possible. We are ready with various programs so that the people’s economy can continue to run, one of which is providing assistance through economic revitalization. The president ordered me to make the program even more stringent in 2021 and beyond, to be more comprehensive, the Indonesian Parliament supports it by providing a sufficient budget going forward. We hope that the district with the OPD component will also be more integrated, so that, like the livestock activities we provide for the health of the livestock, the livestock service is assisted, “he explained.

“What is being carried out in Jambi, we really appreciate. The BPK decreased this year, the findings were very small compared to other provinces, from the value of 12 billion it found only 6 million rupiahs that had to be returned if in other provinces it reached hundreds of millions. In Jambi province, 99 percent of the implementation is considered good by the BPK and the Inspectorate General, this must be an example, enthusiasm and maintaining the achievements so far. We will continue to help Jambi, hopefully the budget can be increased later, “he said.

The Head of BRG and his entourage also reviewed the Peat Products Exhibition, Repair of Canal Blocking, Pokmas Pandan Jaya Cattle Farming and Observing the Honey Harvest in Rantau Karya Village, Pokmas Telago Jaya.

Suwarno, Chairman of the Perintis Jaya Pokmas explained that the 28 members who joined had benefited from the economic revitalization program in the form of cattle breeding from BRG in November-December 2019, as well as the restoration made the community better understand the functions and uses of canal blocking.

“I am very happy with the arrival of Mr. BRG, to see what Pokmas have done. We continue to wet the peat because we don’t want any more fires in our village, so we never tire of submitting proposals to BRG for blocking canals and hydrant wells. We received good response and were approved for the construction of 17 canal blocks, thank God we are safe from fire and the community also understands more about the use of canal blocks which can irrigate garden plants during the dry season, “said Suwarno to the media crew.

“Thanks to BRG, it is not only blocking the canals but also providing economic revitalization in the form of cattle. The number of livestock that has been given is 10, now there are 14, we hope that we will still get assistance from BRG to maximize it, because the maximum number is 20 people in one group, while we have 28 people, “he concluded.

During the Working Visit of the Head of the Republic of Indonesia Peat Restoration Agency to Jambi Province, in Pandan Sejahtera Village, Geragai sub-district, Tanjung Jabung Timur district, together with the Head of the Jambi region’s Head of Work, Zulfikar; The main assistant to the Head of BRG, Greta Santismara; Assistant Admin of the Head of BRG, Ginanjar Prasetyo utomo; Staff of TU Pim-Rani and Nina Isa Belita; Kapokja Sumatra, Soesilo Indrarto; The main assistant to the Head of BRG, Greta Santismara; Assistant Admin of the Head of BRG, Ginanjar Prasetyo Utomo; Head of Jambi working group Zulfikar Ali and Deputy Staff II.

Apart from the Head of the Jambi Provincial Forestry Office and the Tanjabtim Regional Secretary, also attended by Forkopimda, Deputy Head of Tanjabtim Police Commissioner Ridwan Jason Maruli Hutagaol SH S.I.K, Pabungdim 0419 / Tanjab Mayor Inf Marlianus, KNPI, Pokmas-community groups and other invited guests.


(Hendry Noesae)




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