The Role of Peace Journalists in a Time of Pandemic, We Are One
Written by Hendry Nursal
JAMBIDAILY – From the title, of course, we commonly hear about the role of journalists or journalists during a pandemic, a role that should be implemented through journalistic work so that it can provide benefits.
If it is likened to the pandemic period, journalists are assigned to the battlefield, major wars and conflicts. He came to be able to protect the rights of civil society, to voice the pain suffered by the community as a result of the conflict while being aware of oneself.
What is Peace Journalist that I am discussing,?
Journalists or journalists for peace, are present in the midst of the world community who have the same taste and desire to be able to continuously preach about peace. Departing from an international community headquartered in South Korea, led by Man Hee Lee.
The man who has turned 84 years old, has dreams, desires and dreams. Of course, I believe that we are the same as Man Hee Lee’s thoughts, wanting a peaceful situation as creatures that inhabit the earth. Want peace, full of peace and resolve any problems not by war, not by violence and not by any force.
So without war, but a problem is solved by religious, socio-cultural, and other approaches. That’s what Man Hee Lee’s main dream is, so a community called Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), We Are One! We are one.
The peace journalists, those who actively preach and inform the world about HWPL programs and activities in various countries, the latest is the development of how harmony has occurred in Mindanao-Philippines, a peace agreement over 40 years of conflict.
HWPL is present in Mindanao, playing a role in how society is at peace. HWPL received tremendous appreciation. The role of peace journalists in this context is to always convey the above and other information to the wider community regarding HWPL.
So what is the role of peace journalists during a pandemic?
The Current Situation of Journalists & the Role of Media in Several Indonesian Cities in the Midst of a Pandemic, I minimized only in the Jambi city area and Jambi province. If you ask what the situation is like? i would say ‘not fine’
I’m not concluding much, which is clearly not going well. I experienced an event during a pandemic, received non-physical attacks related to the news of the covid-19 pandemic. When the news was presented to the public, I received comments that were unusually harsh, bitter, unpleasant, prayed for which were not good, even cursed. This is a non-physical attack, a digital attack.
Not only me, but several colleagues also experienced the same thing. Until in the end they lost their enthusiasm, as seen from the lack of news in the form of invitations or recommendations to comply with health protocols. It is proven that non-physical attacks can also undermine our motivation!
In fact, journalists or journalists are the mouths, eyes and ears of the people who will be the bridge to the government and vice versa when there is a policy from the government to the community.
The position of the media is in the middle, only the transmitter.
In a state of pandemic the media has the same thought, I’m sure of it. Their thoughts are to be able to educate the public, how dangerous it is.
If there is a word that the media only scares the public, in fact we also have clashes, we also experience the same events as the community because it is clear that we are also people, born and present from society. It is the spirit of the community that makes us as journalists present to give the best.
Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel (2001), in their book The Elements of Journalism, What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect (New York: Crown Publishers), formulate these principles in The Nine Elements of Journalism:
- Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth
- Journalism’s first loyalty is to citizens.
- The essence of journalism is a verification discipline
- Journalists must remain independent of the parties they cover
- Journalists must serve as independent monitors of power
- Journalism must provide a forum for criticism and comments from the public
- Journalism must strive to make what is important is interesting and relevant
- Journalists must keep their news comprehensive and proportionate
- Journalists have an obligation to follow their conscience
In a subsequent development, Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel added a 10th element. That is:
Citizens also have rights and responsibilities in matters related to news.
From elements 1 to 3, the truth is strongly emphasized that reporting with data and facts to the public is a form of loyalty. The data and facts must be verified to the right party, who is competent in their field.
The journalist basically conveyed, the news was born and packaged by word of mouth or source one, source two and so on as well as data, this is a form of verification. Verification discipline is reflected in practices such as seeking witnesses to events, opening as many news sources as possible, and soliciting comments from many parties.
Then we still get attacks digitally, non-physical attacks because it is considered that every news related to covid-19 is a lie, making it up. I underline this is a personal experience, the news that I present is called an advertisement.
At the start of the pandemic, in Indonesia the first case was March 2, 2020 and in Jambi province, to be precise, the first case from Tebo Regency on March 23, 2020. Since then the media in Jambi province has reported, informing the public, maybe the common language is “Hello people, this virus has been detected in Jambi province”
Is that an ad? No, of course not, but a form of our loyalty to the community. There is a verification process, we will bend it again. Among the 9 elements above, there are journalists who must keep the news comprehensive and proportional, journalism must try to make the important things interesting and relevant.
What if our news is wrong? there is the right of reply, the right of rejection, the right of correction which is guaranteed in Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the press, Article 1. We strive to carry out the journalistic code of ethics properly. But what if the public still finds the news untrue, or making it up? it is a Person, please do not generalize.
We also experienced the same incident with the community, we were dealing with a socio-cultural clash, an economic clash. If there are people out there who say “this news always asks how to be orderly, we need to eat”
Same with my brother, we also need it, not a few media out of business. We are both in a state of simalakama, we are both struggling. The point is we are doing all of this because this is what the media should be doing.
As for Jambi province, I have not heard of the media closing down and journalists stopping their journalistic activities due to the economy. However, to be exposed to COVID-19 in the end, there are many and this is the risk that we also face, fighting economically and must be prepared to be exposed.
The role of the peace journalist is the same as the function of the media as stipulated in Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the press, article 3, paragraph (1) The national press has the function as a medium for information, education, entertainment and social control; paragraph (2) In addition to the functions mentioned in paragraph (1), the national press can function as an economic institution.
It is very clear, what we do according to the function of the media. The pandemic event, in the news, shows that we are carrying out social control. We invite orderly health protocols, let’s face this epidemic together, let’s work together, it’s an educational function that we run.
There’s information there, obviously. Then the national press can function as an economic institution, what are we facing now, what are the government policies related to the economy, strategies and ways to generate it, those are all functions we are carrying out.
There is an entertainment function, we will try to present the news not by scaring, not being horror and gripping. Even though the news presented is in the form of data, it does not aim at all to create a sense of dread, it is information as a reminder to the public.
The function of the media above is the same as the role of peace journalists. However, I think peace journalists have another key role, namely We Are One. So besides the 5 functions of the media, then the 9 elements of journalists, there is a key role for peace journalists that cannot be negotiated.
In conclusion, how is the current situation of journalists?
‘Not okay’ we are dealing with socio-cultural clashes, economics, non-physical and digital attacks. The solution, I will continue to do 5 Media Functions, one desire to continue and continue to present the best information to the public.
Indonesia is recovering, I am sure Indonesia will recover and will definitely recover. The spirit of Gotong Royong in Indonesia continues to be maintained from the ancestors until now, Gotong royong is We Are One. Is not it,?
Peace journalists if they continue to instill We Are One, then comprehensive proportional reporting, soothing journalistic works, true work, loyalty to the community, presenting journalistic work so that people get correct and educative information.
Thank you, sorry if there is a wrong word, this is my personal opinion. I’m just an ordinary person, I’m not free from mistakes. Always be strong for HWPL and continue to advance, develop, and realize the desire for peace in a world without war.
Stay healthy for journalists or journalists in Jambi province, in Indonesia and in the World. Continue to spread positive information, spread peace throughout the world, we fight the corona virus with the virus of kindness. What’s that,? We present a message that is peaceful and cool.
Come on, Indonesia is healed, Indonesia will be free from the pandemic, from covid-19.
HWPL We Are One!
*Hendry Nursal: Chief Editor of, and Chairman of PWI Jambi City
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