SKK Migas’s Inaugurates WB NAG Compression and Condensate Pumping System Project
JAMBIDAILY – As an effort to maintain oil & gas production in Jabung Block, SKK Migas – PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. (PCJL) has completed West Betara (WB) Non-Associated Gas (NAG) Compression and Condensate Pumping System. The project will not only contribute to the effort to maintain Jabung Block’s gas production, but also support the national gas production.
SKK Migas’s Deputy of Operation Julius Wiratno inaugurated the project in a virtual event, which was attended General Manager Jabung Wang Qilin, on Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021. Several officials of SKK Migas, including Head of Facility Maintenance and Project Management Division Ardiansyah, Vice President Management Representative Maria Sondang, Project Management Department Head Noezran Azwar also joined this meeting.
PetroChina’s management was represented by Vice President Supply Chain Management Gusminar, Sr. Development Manager Budi Tyas Utomo, Project Manager Slamet Supriyanta and the rest of the Project Dept. team.
PCJL as the production sharing contractor under the monitoring and evaluation of SKK Migas completed the WB NAG Compression and Condensate Pumping System to maintain gas production from West Betara (WB) and South Betara (SB) Field.
In his inauguration speech, Julius said that WB NAG Compression and Condensate Pumping System was one of important projects in upstream oil and gas industry that went onstream during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Thanks to strong communication and cooperation, the obedience to implement health protocols, good COVID-19 mitigation efforts, and the hard works of every member of the team, this project is executed safely and successfully,” Julius said.
“In the future, SKK Migas will push the completion of other upstream oil and gas projects. We are optimistic that amid the pandemic, our target of 12 onstream projects will complete this year. The successful executions of those projects in 2021 will support the government’s long-term goal of 1 million BOPD and 12 BSCFD production in 2030,” Julius said.
Julius added that the ongoing upstream oil and gas projects during the COVID-19 pandemic give the positive impact to the government’s efforts in improving the economy and supporting local talents around the project’s location.
WB NAG Compression and Condensate Pumping System project was put onstream on August 18, 2021 and went through 2 x 24 hours of performance monitoring for each unit. The commissioning and start-up of this project was complete on 22 August 2021.
The onstream date of the project was delayed for one month, from initial target of July 12, due to mobility restriction related to emergency public facility restriction (PPKM).
“The facility completion of WB NAG Compression and Condensate Pumping System is important to maintain gas source from WB & SB field, also as a follow up on PCJL program that has been approved to Put on Production (POP) 4 gas wells from Baturaja Formation with total target rate of 7.5 MMSCFD,” Wang explained.
Moreover, the achieved 30.5 MMSCFD of gas production capacity, concluded by the operation of gas compressors of WB NAG Compression and Condensate Pumping System on 22 August 2021, signifies PCJL’s effort to maintain delivery of gas production from WB and SB field which transported through South West Betara – Central Processing Station South pipeline to CPS where it will be processed further to produce sales gas.
“We successfully complete the WB NAG Compression and Condensate Pumping System project because of the full supports from stakeholders, including Oil and Gas Directorate General and the Ministry, SKKMIGAS, and other parties,” Wang added.
With this success, WB NAG Compression and Pumping System project has contributed to maximize the gas production from WB and SB to maintain 30 MMSCFD of total gas production.
“PCJL will continue to innovate, improve efficiency, and enhance all project management aspects, the competency of human resources, and engineering capability while prioritizing work safety in fulfilling upstream oil and gas projects completion,” he said.
PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. operates Jabung Block in Jambi under the supervision of SKK Migas. As the block operator, PetroChina is partnered with Pertamina Hulu Energi, Petronas Carigali and PT GPI Jabung. Apart from operating Jabung Block, PetroChina also operates Bangko Block in Jambi.