27 Januari 2025

Jambi Daily

Media Online Publik Aksara Propinsi Jambi

Again and Again 2 Positive Covid-19 Jambi Province, 22 May: 91 Positive Cases, 8 Heal


JAMBIDAILY INCIDENT– Latest confirmation as reported by the Pusatkrisis.kemkes.go.id/covid-19-id page (Friday, 05/22/2020) At: 15.59 wib released 2 additional cases of positive patients with covid-19 and 4 recovered.

Of these additions, now the number of Patients in the Covid-19 Positive case in Jambi Province, Indonesia has been 91 people, 8 have been stated to be cured, are still positive and the treatment process is 83 people.

However jambidaily.com also did not get official information. Until this information was published, from the Jambi Province Task Force Team, related to age, gender and region of origin.


(Hendry Noesae)




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