15 Januari 2025

Jambi Daily

Media Online Publik Aksara Propinsi Jambi

KBI Cares Distributes Personal Protective Equipment Assistance to Various Hospitals in Indonesia

3 min read

JAMBIDAILY – The Covid-19 outbreak that hit Indonesia since March 2020, has yet to show a decline, and has even broken 100,000 cases. Data from the Covid-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling on July 28, 2020 at 12.00 showed the number of cases reaching 100,303 cases, with 37,292 in treatment (37.2% of confirmations), 58,753 patients recovered (58% of confirmations), and 4,838 died (4.8% of confirmed)

“The situation of the spread of Covid-19, which has not yet shown a decline, is the background of PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero) to play a role in the handling of Covid-19 patients, particularly health care in hospitals. For now, KBI through KBI Cares distributes assistance in the form of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to several hospitals and institutions spread across various regions in Indonesia, “said Fajar Wibhiyadi, President Director of PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero), through his written statement. delivered to the media, Tuesday, July 28, 2020.

KBI Perduli is a forum for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities carried out by PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero). Since the Covid-19 outbreak hit Indonesia, various activities have been carried out by KBI Peduli, be it assistance for online motorcycle taxi drivers, PPE assistance for medical personnel and others.

Furthermore Fajar Wibhiyadi added, “For now, the focus of KBI Care activities is still 100% for handling Covid-19. And all CSR activities that are usually carried out by KBI to various social activities, we temporarily postponed, and we direct all to support the government in accelerating the handling of Covid-19 ”

During July 2020, KBI Cares has delivered assistance in the form of personal protective equipment to several regions. Several Hospitals and Clinics have received Personal Protective Equipment (APD) assistance, including RSD Dr. Soebandi Jember, RS, Nur Hidayah Bantul Yogyakarta, Masyithoh Tegaltejo Gunung Kidul Hospital, RSIA Permata Serdang Cilegon, and Betha Medika Sukabumi Hospital. In addition, several hospitals, clinics and other institutions in various regions have also been scheduled for delivery of PPE.

Regarding BUMN CSR activities for handling Covid-19, some time ago the Ministry of BUMN has also issued a policy that the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners’ THR for 2020, where SOEs are encouraged to use the THR funds for the Covid-19 calendar.

Fajar Wibhiyadi added, “The source of funding for KBI’s CSR activities to accelerate the handling of Covid-19, not only came from THR Deawn Directors and Board of Commissioners according to the direction of the SOE ministry. But more than that, there is also a corporate CSR budget and donations from employees. Going forward, we will continue to utilize this CSR fund to accelerate the overcoming of Covid-19. We don’t know when this outbreak will end. And for that, KBI as a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) will certainly play a role at the forefront to encourage the acceleration of handling the impact of Covid-19.

In addition to providing assistance to medical staff, the KBI Perduli Program has been regularly providing assistance to people affected by the economy. This activity, which was initiated and carried out by internal KBI employees, is still continuing to channel aid, both to orphanages, as well as poor people who are economically severely affected by the Covid-19 outbreak.



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