22 Oktober 2024

Jambi Daily

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Commemoration of World Volunteer Day by the United Nations, HWPL Conducts Volunteer Activities in 4 Regions

3 min read

JAMBIDAILY – International Volunteer Day is annually established by the UN every December 5, this is to encourage the spirit of volunteerism and appreciate the value, and promote the work of volunteers among communities, UN agencies and also Non-Governmental Organizations. HWPL, as a Non-Profit International Peace Organization, also carries out various volunteer activities in 4 regions in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bali, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Themed: “Changing the World With Our Hands. Let’s Make Peace!”, this volunteer activity was held from 1 – 5 December 2023 and a total of around 550 volunteers participated and supported this activity.

Representing Central Kalimantan Province, Murung Raya Regency and Palangka Raya City, on December 1 and 2 together they carried out environmental clean-ups in city parks as well as English education and games held at SDN Beriwit 4 Puruk Cahu.

“It is hoped that HWPL’s future steps will be more useful and educational in the fields of peace, cleanliness and English language education for children. “This activity is very useful, thank you to HWPL,” said the Head of SDN Beriwit 4 Puruk Cahu, Murung Raya Regency.

Meanwhile in Jakarta, volunteer activities were held at a foundation and orphanage on December 2 and 3 by conducting Peace Drawing and Children’s English Education. Bali also chose one of the orphanages to distribute their donations to its volunteer activities. On this occasion, HWPL volunteers introduced HWPL and the peace work that had been achieved, especially the submission of DPCW International Law. Mr. Edi, one of the managers of the orphanage in Bali, was very happy to welcome HWPL and hopes that this activity can be held every year. This series of activities also aims to gather peace volunteers in Indonesia through HWPL membership registration, in organizing more peace activities in Indonesia.

Still continuing on December 5, volunteer activities were still being carried out in Ratatotok, Minahasa. HWPL volunteers collaborate with kindergarten and middle school educators in organizing short English lessons. Peace education for children is also explained briefly in English, it is hoped that it will be able to open children’s minds about the value of peace and recognize the meaning of peace in a foreign language.

“Each of these volunteer activities is held so that we can build cooperative relationships with local communities and introduce HWPL as a non-governmental international world peace organization headquartered in Korea. HWPL invites local communities in these 4 regions in Indonesia to increase awareness of the importance of peace as a legacy for future generations. We invite all Indonesian citizens to join as HWPL peace volunteers as a first step in building peace in diversity and building wider change for the global community.” HWPL Indonesia Manager explained.



HWPL is a non-governmental peace organization, associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC) and in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). HWPL has been conducting an international peace movement with leaders from all walks of life that transcends national, cultural, or ideological boundaries with the goal of peace and ending war, since 2013.

Regarding membership registration as a HWPL peace volunteer, it can be done online or face to face.

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