SMAN 1 Jambi in the New Academic Year, Continue to Conduct Online Learning
JAMBIDAILY – High school (SMA) in Jambi Province-Indonesia, located on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo No. 15 continue to do online learning. This is due to the fact that Jambi City is included in the yellow zoning of Covid-19 distribution, this was stated by Drs. Anwar Musaddad, M.Pd. in a joint meeting with teachers and TU (Monday, 7/13/2020).
“We are still doing online learning. This is all done for the health and safety of all school residents,” Anwar Musaddad said.
He continued if the city of Jambi entered the green zoning, the school would conduct face-to-face learning in class. We will see the development of the spread of Covid-19.
“Currently, based on the letter from the Chairman of the Covid Task Force-19 Jambi Province, schools that are ready to conduct learning in class must prepare the specified health protocol requirements,” concluded Anwar.
Meanwhile Suwanto, S.Pd. The representative of SMAN 1 Jambi Curriculum said that the School Environment Introduction Period (MPLS) for the academic year 2020/2021 was only held for 3 (three) days, namely the 13th, 14th and 15th, which were still held online.
“MPLS is conducted by new students online. They are welcome to open the Profile Video of SMAN 1 Jambi City at,” Suwanto explained.
Meanwhile, online learning will be held on Thursday, July 16, 2020. This is based on instructions from the Jambi Provincial Education Office.
“For the new school year, we follow the rules set by the Jambi Provincial Government,” Suwanto concluded. (SB)
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