The Governor of Jambi Reviews Implementation of the Covid-19 Protocol at PT Lontar Papyrus

JAMBIDAILY TEBING TINGGI, Tanjabbar – Governor of Jambi, Dr.Drs.H.Fachrori Umar, M.Hum argued that health aspects in preventing the spread of Covid-19 and economic aspects must go hand in hand, therefore, in carrying out activities, the application of health protocols to prevent the spread Covid-19 is a must. He said this during a working visit to the PT Lontar Papyrus area, Tebing Tinggi District, Tanjung Jabung Barat District, Monday (7/13/2020) afternoon.
During the working visit, the Regent of Tanjung Jabung Barat, Dr.Ir.H.Syafrial, MS accompanied the Governor of Jambi-Indonesia. Related officials from the Jambi Provincial Government and the Tanjung Jabung Barat District Government, as well as representatives from PT WKS also accompanied the governor.
After listening to the explanation from the leadership of PT Lontar Papyrus about various efforts to prevent Covid-19 in the company’s environment and also to the surrounding community, Fachrori appreciated the steps that have been taken by PT Lontar Papyrus. He asked that PT Lontara Papyrus continue to consistently implement it.
Fachrori said, the Jambi Provincial Government has also launched a number of policies to minimize the impact of Covid-19, including forming and optimizing the Task Force for Handling and Handling the Distribution of Covid-19, and implementing budget refocusing, diverting less-priority budgets to Covid-19 impact management activities, in the form of assistance to 30,000 families who were strongly affected by Covid-19.
“The Covid-19 Distribution Prevention Protocol must be implemented, and economic activities, including the activities of the company PT Lontar Papyrus, are gradually implemented. This is very important for maintaining health and economic sustainability, so in carrying out economic activities, the Health Protocol for the Prevention of Covid-19 Prevention must be applied. Health aspects and economic aspects must go hand in hand, “said Fachrori.
Furthermore, Fachrori invited all parties and the entire community to jointly discipline the Covid-19 Health Prevention Spread Prevention Protocol, which is by using masks when outdoors, washing hands with soap, using hand sanitizers, and implementing physical spacing and social spacing.
On that occasion, Fachrori handed over aid, each of 100 Al-Qur’an to Islamic boarding schools in Tebing Tinggi District, to: 1. Fathul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, 2. Al-Ikhsan Islamic Boarding School, and Darul Abrar Islamic Boarding School, which submitted to representatives of boarding school leaders.
Previously, the Jambi Governor, accompanied by the Regent of Tanjung Jabung Barat, symbolically provided food aid to the Tebing Tinggi community who were heavily affected by Covid-19, namely to 45 heads of households. Delivery of aid was carried out near the Pengabuan River pier, followed by the distribution of 25,000 seeds of tilapia, catfish and catfish to the Pengabuan River.
The Regent of Tanjung Jabung Barat, Dr.Ir.H.Syafrial, MS said that the data on the condition of Covid-19 patients in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency; 10 people are positive, 3 people are recovering, so 7 more are in the process of treatment.
Safrial said, agreed with the educational efforts undertaken by PT Lontar Papyrus in preventing the spread of Covid-19, and hoped that education would also involve religious leaders.
Safrial added, currently the Government and the Regional Parliament of Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency are in the process of issuing a Regional Regulation in the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency.
In addition, the Regent of Tanjung jabung Barat hopes that the Jambi Provincial Government will build roads in Nilau Bay, to connect the Tungkal Ulu and Tungkal Ilir roads, to facilitate the distribution of people, goods, and services from Tungkal Ulu to Tungkal Ilir and vice versa.
Previously, the leadership of PT Lontar Papyrus, Suparno, SE explained the efforts made by PT Lontar Papyrus to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the company environment, as well as education and CSR to the community around the company location.
“From January we have been trying to be aware of Covid-19, there have been steps that have been implemented, so that production activities can remain productive. Chairman of Covid-19 direct handling CEO. Employees and employees returning from Jambi Province due to urgent needs, once reentering the company environment, must be isolated independently. In addition to installing hand washing facilities, there are 19 locations for hand sanitizers. We also spray disinfectant liquid into company messes, office spaces, meeting rooms, mosques, official vehicles, location of attendance reporting, seating distance in the dining room, measuring routine body temperature every time they enter the factory location and employee mess, “Suparno explained.
In addition, said Suparno, PT Lontar Papyrus also installed banners, distributed vitamins, and distributed CSR to the community in the form of giving 1,000 packages of gifts and compensation funds to people in Tebing Tinggi, distributing masks, hand sanitizers, and hazmat to the Tanjung Jabung Barat Health Service. (Mustar, fofo: Novri, video: Said Usman / PR of the Jambi Provincial Government).
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