19 Oktober 2024

Jambi Daily

Media Online Publik Aksara Propinsi Jambi

One Positive ASN Covid-19, Disbudpar Jambi Province Moves Fast to Prevent Spread

3 min read

DR Sri Purnama Syam SST M.Sn/Foto: @jektv.co.id

JAMBIDAILY – Acting Head of Culture and Tourism Office of Jambi Province -Indonesia, move quickly to prevent the spread after the presence of one State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the positive confirmed covid-19 environment announced on 29 July 2020 ago.

The ASN was recorded as 151 patients with initial SS and is undergoing intensive care at Mitra Jambi Hospital, confirmed by Johansyah as a spokesperson for the Jambi provincial government (Monday, 04/08/2020) “For the history of SS, released by the central government due to an infectious disease the lungs (comorbid), “he said.

Then Johansyah, through his written statement explained that In the context of overseeing the spread of Covid-19 in the Office of the Provincial Government of Jambi, the Task Force Team through the Health Service has conducted a massive Rapid Test for ASN and PTT in the OPD environment

“At the Department of Culture and Tourism a Rapid Test of 72 people was carried out, as a follow-up to the discovery of confirmed patients at the Agency with the results of 3 reactive people. The three reactive people will soon be taken swab, and they have carried out independent isolation at home,” he wrote as quoted jambidaily.com (Tuesday, 04/08/2020).

“The PERA Public Works Department has conducted 81 Rapid Tests and the results are non-reactive, Mr. Secretary as Deputy Task Force has ordered the Head of Culture and Tourism Office of Jambi Province to make alternating work day schedules or work shifts for ASN and PTT. Official travel can be done by see the Urgency, “he concluded.

Related to this, the Acting Head of Jambi Province Disbudpar Dr. Sri Purnama Syam SST M.Sn, took quick and measured actions so that the spread was not widespread.

“While according to the direction of the work system of the shift (red-ed), Remind ASN to maintain health, Continue to apply covid health protocols, Responsibility for the work continues, Spraying of the office has been carried out,” explained Sri Purnama Syam, to jambidaily.com (Tuesday, 04/08/2020).

“If there is a covid problem there is a cluster team, which explains, because we were told that there was a positive staff member of the Disbudpar, then we asked for a rapid test, which had carried out reactive isolation independently, and had coordinated with relevant parties,” he added.

Sri Purnama Syam, on this occasion advised the entire ASN in the scope of Disbupdar Jambi province to the UPTD, so as not to be careless both inside and outside the office according to the health protocol.

“Keep on maintaining health, adequate rest, still applying the rules of health protocols in activities both in the office and outside the office. Keep carrying out duties with full responsibility. As a religious people, keep praying and leaving everything to the Owner of Nature,” he said.


(Hendry Noesae)




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