JAMBIDAILY KESEHATAN - Rilis pemerintah terdapat satu orang petugas Administrasi Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Raden Mattaher Jambi, terkonfirmasi positif...
JAMBIDAILY - Acting Head of Culture and Tourism Office of Jambi Province -Indonesia, move quickly to prevent the spread after...
JAMBIDAILY - Public Relations of the Angso Duo Market Jambi - Indonesia, strengthen supervision of the spread of covid-19 during...
JAMBIDAILY - The Covid-19 outbreak that hit Indonesia since March 2020, has yet to show a decline, and has even...
JAMBIDAILY JAKARTA - Wabah Covid-19 yang melanda Indonesia sejak bulan Maret 2020, hingga saat ini belum menunjukkan penurunan, bahkan sudah...
JAMBIDAILY KESEHATAN - ASI dikenal luas karena banyak manfaatnya untuk kekebalan tubuh bayi dan memerangi infeksi tertentu. Namun, di tengah...
JAMBIDAILY - Amid the current Covid-19 pandemic, everyone is required to follow the Health Protocol and maintain physical fitness. "The...
JAMBIDAILY - Corona Virus deaths, according to data from the Covid-19 Central Task Force Handling Team, continues to increase every...
JAMBIDAILY TANJABBAR - Terkait adanya penambahan kasus baru terkonfirmasi positif covid 19 di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat baru-baru ini, Sekretaris...
JAMBIDAILY KESEHATAN- Ditengah pandemi Covid-19 saat ini, setiap orang wajib mengikuti Protokol Kesehatan dan menjaga kebugaran tubuh. “Yang paling penting...